Suicide Prevention Task Force (SPTF)

SPTF envisions a county without suicide and aims to accomplish this by implementing a full range of strategies, starting from prevention and early intervention. Your donations to the SPTF will help increase prevention and early intervention services, and help our community members better understand and recognize the signs and symptoms of suicide risk.

Veterans Services

Contributing toward the support of our local veterans through the VSO General Fund is a great opportunity for the members of the community to give back and thank veterans for their services.

At-Risk Youth (Human Services)

The funds donated to the Human Services At-Risk Youth fund benefit youth who are participating in an employment program and working to make the transition to adulthood and self-sufficiency. This program helps youth in need of emergency monies for necessities such as transportation, work apparel, utilities, medical, dental, and prescription expenses.

Step Up

Your donations to the Step Up program will be used for collateral items (i.e., T-shirts, backpacks, etc.), venue rental, event food, printing, speakers' fees, awards, materials, and other items associated with Step Up—a movement to encourage youth to participate in extracurricular activities, foster positive associations, and connect to constructive social networks.

Homeless Fund

Donations to the Homeless Fund will help supply toiletries, clothing, identification card/application fees, furnishings, or cooking utensils/appliances, or may fund expenses like a utility bill or car repair for those experiencing, at risk for, or exiting homelessness.

Tulare County Parks–Lily Pond

For more than five decades the Lily Pond was a popular water feature in Mooney Grove Park. Due to the increasing cost of repair and maintenance over time, the Lily Pond is been non-functional for the past 15 years. To avoid demolition and to honor the history of the Lily Pond, the County is seeking donations from the community to help repair and restore the Lily Pond.

K/T AAA - Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging

The Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging helps provide programs and activities for local senior citizens, from arts and crafts to Medicare counseling, line dancing to home-delivered meals. Your donations to the Area Agency on Aging will help us continue to provide a wide range of services and activities to encourage older Americans to remain healthy, active, and involved in the community.

National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

We all know that February is the month of love and friendship – but did you know that February has been named Spay/Neuter Awareness Month as well? Show your affection for your pets by getting them spayed or neutered; you can help reduce the number of dogs and cats on the streets and in our shelters by spaying or neutering your pets. 

Bringing our beloved pets to the vet to be spayed or neutered can be a difficult task for many pet owners. Some pet owners may view spaying or neutering as more harmful than beneficial for their furry companions, but the truth is that these procedures not only help our pets but the entire animal community.

World Spay Day (Feb. 28) is an international day of action to promote the sterilization of pets, community cats, and street dogs as a way to save animals’ lives. On this day and throughout the month of February, veterinary and animal welfare professionals, business owners, and concerned individuals join forces to spotlight spaying and neutering as the most effective and humane means of decreasing the number of homeless animals put down in shelters or living on the streets.

Why Spay/Neuter Awareness Month Is Important

It helps raise awareness among pet owners

Many pet owners don’t take their pets to be spayed or neutered because they feel like they are hurting their pets. In many cases, these dogs and cats will go on to parent litters of new kittens and puppies that inevitably contribute to the overpopulation and homelessness problem of dogs and cats in the United States. Spay/Neuter Awareness Month is a time to remind all pet owners that spaying and neutering are in the best interest of all animals.

Your pets will be healthier after being spayed or neutered

While it is easy to feel guilty while taking your pet to be neutered, just remember that your pet will actually enjoy a healthier life after being spayed or neutered. Cats and dogs who have been neutered are less likely to develop many fatal diseases and are less prone to engage in violent behavior.

It helps reduce the number of stray cats and dogs

Spay / Neuter Awareness Month is designed to help homeless animal shelters across the United States. If all pet owners do their part and make sure their pets are neutered, the staggering number of animals in homeless shelters will decrease.

Click here to find out more from Tulare County Animal Services (TCAS) about the benefits of spaying or neutering your pets.

To support TCAS via Friends of Tulare County, visit Donations to the Animal Services Spay/Neuter Fund help provide reduced-cost spay/neuter vouchers and help bring mobile spay/neuter clinics to small communities with no access to veterinary care. Be a part of the solution with your donation to the Spay/Neuter Fund!

You can reach Tulare County Animal Services at (559) 636-4050 or visit them at 14131 Avenue 256 in Visalia.