Victims of violent crime can incur major financial and emotional losses. Donations to the Victim/Witness Assistance Division can help by providing for victims of crime and their specific needs when other state or grant funds are unable to assist. Your donations may also support crime victim-related public education and outreach activities.
Donations to the Homeless Fund will help supply toiletries, clothing, identification card/application fees, furnishings, or cooking utensils/appliances, or may fund expenses like a utility bill or car repair for those experiencing, at risk for, or exiting homelessness.
Show a senior that you care by donating to the Stockings for Seniors drive! Your generous donation will help keep homebound senior citizens warm, uplift their spirits, and improve mental wellness, as they anticipate the holiday celebrations.
While determining the best means for getting a message out to the public can be challenging, finding ways to share the message so that it has an intrinsic connection is exciting. The great need for distribution of COVID-19-related information has presented the opportunity to find creative and innovative ways to share positive messaging. It can be fun, it can be serious, or it can be more professional-oriented in its delivery.
Check out the Tulare County Health & Human Service Agency Community Outreach Team's newest Vimeo video called Wear a Mask Tulare County, featuring five different languages (English, Spanish, Armenian, Hindi, and Tagalog).
With the team taking on the Friends of Tulare County California Listos Grant, HHSA has been fortunate to get commercials running on KMPH FOX 26/KFRE CW 59 since May, in collaboration with Self-Help Enterprises and State CalOES.
The videos below illustrate a corporate, or professional, look. This kind of production would be shown on messaging boards and in corporate meeting rooms.
We would like to extend a special thank you to the HHSA employees who have graciously been a part of this major grant project. Through their testimonials, acting skills, and voice-overs, including a multicultural outreach in languages, we have been able to make that essential emotional connection.
Check out the video productions below, and take a look at others that have made it to the small screen.
Wear a Mask Tulare County (English) HHSACommunity on Vimeo.
Wear a Mask Tulare County (Spanish) HHSACommunity on Vimeo.
Wear a Mask Tulare County (Armenian) HHSACommunity on Vimeo.
Wear a Mask Tulare County (Hindi) HHSACommunity on Vimeo.
Wear a Mask Tulare County (Tagalog) HHSACommunity on Vimeo.