Show a senior that you care by donating to the Stockings for Seniors drive! Your generous donation will help keep homebound senior citizens warm, uplift their spirits, and improve mental wellness, as they anticipate the holiday celebrations.
Donations to the Homeless Fund will help supply toiletries, clothing, identification card/application fees, furnishings, or cooking utensils/appliances, or may fund expenses like a utility bill or car repair for those experiencing, at risk for, or exiting homelessness.
Victims of violent crime can incur major financial and emotional losses. Donations to the Victim/Witness Assistance Division can help by providing for victims of crime and their specific needs when other state or grant funds are unable to assist. Your donations may also support crime victim-related public education and outreach activities.
Friends of Tulare County (FTC), which serves a diverse population, began looking for a way to assist residents when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Tulare County in March 2020. FTC realized the County’s need for additional resources to resolve funding gaps, as well as to be forward-thinking in every aspect of the way the County addresses the pandemic, while also assisting health care and community partners who bring a unique service to the county.
With these goals in mind, FTC accepted a $50,000 grant on April 23, 2020, from Listos California, a state program that helps individuals, families, and communities prepare for and address disasters like wildfires, earthquakes, and floods. In collaboration with Self-Help Enterprises, FTC is administering a COVID-19 outreach campaign to reach vulnerable community members throughout Tulare County who may be challenged by linguistic, access, or functional needs (AFN).
Listos California - ASL COVID-19 message from HHSACommunity on Vimeo.
HHSA Epidemiologist Kirstie Kampen is featured in this commercial, which ran May 12-June 7, 2020
on KMPH Fox 26/CWS 59.