Tulare County Parks–Lily Pond

For more than five decades the Lily Pond was a popular water feature in Mooney Grove Park. Due to the increasing cost of repair and maintenance over time, the Lily Pond is been non-functional for the past 15 years. To avoid demolition and to honor the history of the Lily Pond, the County is seeking donations from the community to help repair and restore the Lily Pond.

At-Risk Youth (Human Services)

The funds donated to the Human Services At-Risk Youth fund benefit youth who are participating in an employment program and working to make the transition to adulthood and self-sufficiency. This program helps youth in need of emergency monies for necessities such as transportation, work apparel, utilities, medical, dental, and prescription expenses.

Suicide Prevention Task Force (SPTF)

SPTF envisions a county without suicide and aims to accomplish this by implementing a full range of strategies, starting from prevention and early intervention. Your donations to the SPTF will help increase prevention and early intervention services, and help our community members better understand and recognize the signs and symptoms of suicide risk.

Veterans Services

Contributing toward the support of our local veterans through the VSO General Fund is a great opportunity for the members of the community to give back and thank veterans for their services.

Homeless Fund

Donations to the Homeless Fund will help supply toiletries, clothing, identification card/application fees, furnishings, or cooking utensils/appliances, or may fund expenses like a utility bill or car repair for those experiencing, at risk for, or exiting homelessness.

Step Up

Your donations to the Step Up program will be used for collateral items (i.e., T-shirts, backpacks, etc.), venue rental, event food, printing, speakers' fees, awards, materials, and other items associated with Step Up—a movement to encourage youth to participate in extracurricular activities, foster positive associations, and connect to constructive social networks.

K/T AAA - Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging

The Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging helps provide programs and activities for local senior citizens, from arts and crafts to Medicare counseling, line dancing to home-delivered meals. Your donations to the Area Agency on Aging will help us continue to provide a wide range of services and activities to encourage older Americans to remain healthy, active, and involved in the community.

Tulare County Probation Helps At-Risk Youth Find Employment and Participate in Pro-Social Activities

At-risk youth often have multiple and complex needs. Many youths on probation have difficulties at home, struggle in school, and need mental health services, all while navigating influential peers who may not have their best interests in mind. The Tulare County Probation Department strives to alleviate these barriers through pro-social activities. Friends of Tulare County, via local donations, allows for more flexibility in providing opportunities for our local youth than is allowed through traditional funding.

The Readiness for Employment through Sustainable Education and Training (RESET) program is funded by the Tulare County Probation Department and entails a collaborative partnership with the Workforce Investment Board. RESET is just one of the many pro-social programs available to our local youth. Probation Officer Martin’s goal, as a RESET officer, is to help participants make positive changes and connect them to much-needed services and programs.

“We strive to ensure they are staying on track with their probation terms while aiding their educational and vocational needs,” Officer Martin said. “Sometimes we simply help clients with their driver’s license or get other important documents to just get them on their feet and prepared for work. No matter what it is, it’s always rewarding to see our youth grow and progress as they begin their path toward being successful.”

RESET helps youth take the first step toward preparing for and then finding entry-level jobs in our community, by developing the skills and knowledge that are essential for employment. Youth often need help searching for jobs, preparing their resumes, and/or perfecting their soft skills.

Logan Dalton Starkey is an example of how youth can change their lives once given the tools to do so. Growing up in poverty, coupled with living in a dysfunctional home, Logan turned to gangs and became homeless at the age of 17. However, when his probation officer referred him to RESET, he was determined to achieve his goals of obtaining his high school diploma, getting a California ID, improving his soft skills, and becoming self-sufficient.

“It was too good to be true, but I had nothing to lose,” Starkey said. “The resume workshop and interview skills workshops helped me gain the confidence I didn’t think I had. I’m glad I took advantage of the program.”

Starkey accomplished his goals and, through additional support, he also received his Food Handlers Certificate. He received further coaching on how to discuss his gang-affiliated tattoo with employers. With RESET and support from his probation officer, he completed his high school diploma and got a job as a sanitation worker. This is just one example of how youth can succeed once given the opportunity and resources to change their lives––and how donations to FTC can help County programs make a difference!

To donate, just send a check payable to:

5957 South Mooney Blvd.
Visalia, CA 93277
Please indicate Probation At-Risk Youth on the memo line of your check.

Donations may also be made here or county employees may make donations through payroll deductions by filling out the Friends of Tulare County Payroll Deduction form.

For more information about Friends of Tulare County and how to donate, call (559) 624-8000 or send an email to FriendsTC@tularecounty.ca.gov